Friday 6 May 2011


Hello?  Anyone there?  Or am I talking to myself again....

There are those who would say that I do that all the time, and it's probably true.  As I find myself getting (Heaven's forbid, *shudders*) older, the Victor Meldrew persona seems to be taking over more frequently.  For example, I don't suffer from road rage as such - it's more like road chuntering.  I will happily do the same to TV news presenters, the cat, or anyone who's within earshot.

For those that know me, you'll be aware that I generally talk nonsense, so this blog (when I remember to write it) will be business as usual.  I intend to enter bits on places I've visited and people I've met etc - the usual type of bloggy stuff really - and hope that it's at least vaguely interesting.

That's enough for the moment, so I'll love you and leave you now.

Speak to you again soon................

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